William M. Leisck
Memorial Scholarship Award

Accepting applications starting October 10, 2016

The Polish Cadets of Buffalo will award one scholarship in the amount of $500, to be paid jointly to a student and his or her educational institution of choice.
His primary avocation was always doing whatever he could for both the community and the Polish Cadets, which has been an integral part of the area for over 100 years. He strived to bring the city of Buffalo together by providing a safe and welcoming meeting place while preserving the Polish heritage for future generatons to enjoy.
Mr. Leisck was a great leader, at the time of his presidency the club had over 500 active members. He received numerous awards throughout his life and was a great example to others. He was known for say, "Never, never, never give up!" He was involved in many organizations and activities in the community and will always be remembered for his efforts.
The applicants parent or guardian must be a member in good standing with the Polish Cadets of Buffalo and meet all of the following criteria:
Parent or guardian must be a member of the Polish Cadets
The applicant must be a college-bound high school senior at the time of application.
The applicant is attending college for the first time in the fall of 2017.
The applicant will be enrolled in either a two or four year accredited educational institution only.
The applicant agrees to use the scholarship funds awards by no later then January 31, 2018, at an accredited educational institution only.
This fund was established in the Fall of 2015 to commemorate the life of William M. Leisck and to continue his legacy of excellence and generosity. As the longest serving President of the Polish Cadets of Buffalo, Mr. Leisck's goal was to maintain the club as a place where all citizens and organizations from the surrounding Black Rock community and beyond feel welcome.
Mr. Leisck attended Buffalo Public School #42 nd graduated from McKinley Highschool. He successfully operated his own glass installation firm for many years before taking a position as the City of Buffalo Chief Building Inspector for new construction, a position he held for 22 years until his death in 2005.
At a time when many city residents were giving up on urban living, Mr. Leisck decided to take a stand and fight for the Polish American values of community and goodwill toward all. Rather then abandon the Grant Amherst community where he lived all his life, he strived to do everything possible to strengthen it and bring it back to life.
To apply, eligible applicants must download and complete the scholarship application form below. Applicants must type or print clearly and use only the spaces provided on the form to answer the questions. Other then specified on the application, no attachments such as resumes, pictures or other materials of any kind should be submitted. Please download the application and read the instructions carefully.
Application Deadline
Please mail the completed application together with all required supporting documents no later then December 1, 2016.
Judging will be based on both subjective criteria and weighted, objective criteria. These include academic achievements, extracurrircular activities, essay, etc. The selected receipiant will be notified by no later then
January 1, 2017.
Funding for this scholarship mainly comes from club fundraising events and sales. We welcome any contributions so that we may continue giving this award in the future to deserving students. Please use the donate button below to contribute. We thank you for your support!